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Guided Otter Spotting Canoe Trails

Get closer to the

You can paddle down miles of quiet, undisturbed tributaries, dykes and streams often never seeing another soul but seeing some of the Broads's best kept secrets - the Kingfishers, Bitterns and even the elusive Otter. These secretive and wonderful creatures of the Broads National Park may, very occasionally, be seen from your broads cruiser are far more frequently spotted from a canoe!

Although we cannot, of course, guarantee that you will see otters, our many years of experience ensure mean we know their preferred hangouts and so give you a greatly increased chance. And even if you don't see an otter, we promise that you will see an abundance of wildlife

Please Note : Although we endeavour to keep participants together with others from within their party, on occasions it may be necessary split groups or for groups to share a boat with other participants. By making a booking you are reserving a place on the activity and not the exclusive use of a canoe for your party. If you do want to ensure exclusive use of a canoe, please add the Exclusive Canoe Upgrade option during your booking. When taking this option please bear in mind the boat weight limit of 32 stone/225kg and maximum capacity of three adults or two adults and two small children before selecting the appropriate number of boats for your party. Solo boats will not be allowed.

Online Booking

Please note - We are unable to take bookings over the telephone, please book your activities via the website.

October 26 Saturday
Beccles Wildlife and Otter Spotting Guided Canoe Trail
Join our guide exploring the wonderful River Waveney and the wildlife that it has to offer. With the aim of a quick stop off at the Gelderston Locks pub in the middle of the 4-hour trail, there are no excuses not to join in - the time flies when you're having fun!
4 Hour Guided Canoe Trail
Option Price
Fully Booked

If you require any further details or would like to talk about other dates, please do not hesitate to contact us either by email info@TheCanoeMan.com or on 07873 748408